Off the deep end …

Dennis KG4RUL has gone off the deep end with his µBITX.  His current configuration, basically a rats nest on the bench, comprises:

  • Main CPU (Teensy 3.5) – handling the SI5351 control (I2C), the 20×4 LCD Display (I2c), input from the front panel controller (I2C), control of an AF DSP (I2C), control of a CW Keyer (I2C), monitoring of an SWR bridge, control of an RF Digital Attenuator (SPI)
  • Front Panel Controller (Pro-Mini) – interfaces with a rotary encoder w/switch and seventeen push buttons
  • AF DSP (Teensy 3.5) – implementing Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, Notch Filter and pass-through
  • CW Keyer (Pro-Mini)
  • SWR Bridge for tuning and power monitoring
  • RF Digital Attenuator from SV1AFN used to adjust drive power to PA for tuning and adjusting power by band to keep the power output more consistent

This is Dennis’ front panel design: