Powering a larger Nextion screen from the raduino

If your larger (4.3″ or greater) Nextion display is flashing, you are probably overloading your Raduino 5v power supply.  This is because the Nextion does draw quite a bit of current.

Mark AJ6CU found a 7805 with a higher rating on Amazon (maybe 1.5A?). He mounted it on a heat sink attached to the rear panel (using the rear panel as a large heat sink) with a small perf board (to mount the appropriate capacitors).  He then brought in a set of 5V wires to replace the 7805 on the one on the Raduino.  This could be a helpful idea for those of you installing Nextion display units.

MVS Sarma suggested using a 78T05 as a replacement to the 7805. This is  a 3amp TO220 device and available very cheaply .   Managing the TO3  is little dìfferent compared to the TO220 on the 7805.