Mike Hagen, WA6ISP has previously supplied Raduino X and Raduino XP alternatives to the builder community for the BITx40 units. He has been asked by many builders whether a µBitx Raduino replacement was planned.
He now has designed, built and tested a µBITx Raduino replacement. This comes with the extra feature of having an i2c 16 port I/O expander on board. The Microchip Expander IC uses the Adafruit Library MCP23017 to create 16 more Digital Pins.
This replacement board is slightly bigger than the standard Raduino and has the Ardunio Nano facing towards the left rather than to the right.
Email Mike for further information or to order. The cost of the bare board is US$12 and the built up board is $46. Note that the bare board will require you to source all parts and mount some fairly small surface mount devices.
µBITx constructors now have several alternatives to choose from in considering a replacement Raduino board: the WA6ISP uBITx Raduino, the W0EX Radi2cino and VK4PLN Raduino replacement.