Don KM4UDX lived with with non-trivial frequency/calibration error until (in his words he, “finally found my boy-bits and went back to reading everything ever written on uBITX calibration (with CEC firmware and memory manager). The result was extraordinary levels of fear and confusion.”
In desperation, he said “foo it” and calculated the error ratio @ 10.00 MHz, multiplied that ratio by the base calibration number to get ~~-5000, then added -5000 in Memory Manager, and hit reboot.
Then he went to wsjtx’s freqcal mode to measure his new error relative to 3.330 (-7Hz) and 10.00 (-18Hz) reference signals. He was now close enough that he didn’t want to touch anything.
But of course he did… And every time he tried to reduce the error further by tweaking the calibration numbers, everything got worse. So he quickly realised he was as close as a mere mortal could aspire.
But he did run the complete freqcal process in wsjtx. That process reduced his µBITX freq error to 1hz or less in wsjtx. Don says , “That wsjtx is wicked. If anyone wants help with uBITX wsjtx freqcal mode, I’m your dude.”
Here are his wsprnet results using the humble v4 µBITX.

Don says, “That was without any real effort other than stumbling in the dark, and GREAT help from fellow hams and wonderful persons”.
He is now ranked ~155 in 2 way WSPRnet spots after only a few days of auto band hopping.
“NEVER did I expect my little uBITX to get to Australia and Antarctica” says Don and he adds, “All hale the mighty uBITX.” We might all agree!