Jim W0EB, TSW Project Coordinator, has announced he has just got the boards and all the kit parts for this little adapter that allows the DC input for your µBITx (or any other kit or homebrew rig) to be protected.
The board allows connections for optional Reverse Polarity (series Schottky diode), a switch on the volume control (or separate power switch) and the switched DC output to whatever item is being powered. This is achieved t through a small PC board using MOLEX or MOLEX Style male/female connectors. Everything can be plugged in and unplugged for ease of troubleshooting without having to solder or unsolder wires from the rig’s terminals.
TSW is making either the bare board or a full kit of parts available. The picture shows everything that’s included in the kit.
Full details are on the TSW website
The manual for the SwitchedPowerAdapter is available in PDF form so you can see what it’s all about.