Variable bandwidth filter mod

Broadening the crystal filter

Michael N2ZDB notes that the BITX40 he is building receives somewhat OK but the transmit audio is terrible with distortion and/ narrow bandwidth.

He figured he may have one or two bad 12.0 MHz crystals, as the bandpass is only around 1,700 Hz at best (11.998800 to 11.997100)!  The crystals are from MEC and the letters / numbers on them are: 12.000 G   MEC AH6L1 .  He asked whether anybody knew of where to obtain suitable replacements.

Well, one supplier was disclosed by Lawrence W8LM:


between YOU and I ONLY!!!!!

12Mhz Crystals 5 for a $1.00  or 15 cents each in lot 100 quanities…

Right! 5 for a DOLLAR.!!!…. over $75 free shipping, under $75 flat $7 shipping.. They have 1/8″ uBITX volume knobs too..

Also read my review on 50ft. RG58/u cables with BNC’s both ends (GO KIT SPECIAL) … and adjustable 6.8uH inductors..
I usually get my order Calif. to Kansas in 2 days…

Variable bandwidth filter design

Meanwhile, Jim AB7VF, posted a circuit for a variable bandwidth filter for the BITx transceivers.  This is based on a circuit patented by TenTec (the Jones Filter design).  Some constructors may want to try this one out, as it involves only a few additional parts and replacement of C217 -C221.
