Yesterday was when Tom AB7WT completed his first month of using his uBITx on the air and it’s been 100% FT8.
After one month, Tom has had 252 FT8 contacts!
This has been achieved with a modest random length end-fed 59 ft antenna with one end up in a tree. He’s worked 80m, 60m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, & 15 meters.
Almost all contacts have been using 4 watts or less. The results have
been great. It includes 45 of 50 US states confirmed toward Worked All States (WAS). He is still trying to nail down those last 5 states. Tom has worked New Zealand, Australia, Russia AS, Samoa, Cuba, Japan,
and Canada.
So, he’s been very happy with FT8. He’ll be even happier when
the sunspot cycle turns upwards …..:)
Are there other happy op stories out there?