John VK2ETA has produced a small piece of diagnostic firmware intended to be used by constructors to test out the Raduino.
The objective is to help original kit builders identify issues (e.g. wiring or “not working” problems), but also for more advanced experimenters both during construction and after “oops moments”.
So far it only tests the I2C bus, the communication with the SI5351 and the analogue inputs of the Raduino in a graphical form.
The plan is to expand to the audio circuit, the receiver chain, the TX low pass filters’ relays and hopefully more.
This is where be needs the input of other constructors to determine what to test for in the first instance and then some ideas to make the test results as simple but still useful to more advanced users.
John is looking for feedback as to what issues you had when building the kit that could potentially be incorporated in the diagnostic software. Tests need not be Arduino-only tests. Operator ‘s interpretation, as in “Do you hear the tone in the speaker, Y/N” are quite ok.
John has uploaded a beta version of the software to the IO Groups Files area:
Basic instructions are in the README.MD file in the top directory.
The main menu number 2 (Analogue inputs), brings a second level menu for testing the encoder inputs, the push button, the PTT, the Keyer and the spare analogue input.
Results are displayed in a horizontal bar graph with a scale from 0 to 5V representing the value read by the inputs. That way you can see how it matches the values your voltmeter indicates on the respective pin.
Results are shown only on changes to the values read, for example when rotating the encoder, pushing the PTT or the encoder push-button etc…
If no results are shown then your Arduino cannot read analogue inputs and it would mean plan-B: replacement of your Raduino.