Alternative software for your uBITx

What do you know, but two new software forks for the uBITx are shortly to be forthcoming.   One is focussed on significant hardware enhancements and the other is designed for stock uBITx hardware.

A stylized red stamp that shows the term beta testing. All on white background.

VU2SPF Software has already foreshadowed the 2.8″ display from Joe VE1BWV with its software from VU2SPF that is expected to be released shortly.  This software will feature full touch control along with physical optional buttons,  100 memory channels, a tunable BFO. VFO, memory selection and all bands will be selectable from the touch panel.   However, this software has still to be released.

KD8CEC software

Meanwhile, Ian Lee KD8CEC has announced his Beta release of a further update for the stock uBITx.   Version 0.30 has already been released as a final version.   However, version 0.31 is out for beta testing.

This release features CW Keying, Frequency Tune and CW performance meeting the demand for such features from users.   CW keying improvements will continue to use original hardware.  However, it is also possible to set the CW Key analogue to digital conversion range to reduce mis-keying errors that some (but not all) have observed.   Reporting of the resistance detected allows you to know your exact resistance and key contact status (in case the key needs cleaning).  These functions need testing.

The source code for frequency tuning has been rewritten.  Ian has applied a threshold parameter, speed weighting, and a step function. The problem of an arbitrary change in frequency when turning the knob should have disappeared.   When a particular threshold has been exceeded, the frequency step will begin to change,  but Ian has added some logic to prevent the thresholds from becoming unnatural.
If you want to fine-tune, turn the dial slowly and the step rate will change, getting smaller as you turn more slowly.   There thresholds are more gradual  and change more slowly, to give a more natural effect.

The tune steps now are 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200, but you can change these in uBITX Manager 0.31 (Beta release).    You can change the step rate by pressing holding down the function key slightly longer than you would normally to enter the menu. If you keep holding it down for even longer, the Dial Lock function will be enabled.

Band setting is already present in version 0.3O, with the ham band set to “region 1” as the default.   In a similar way to controlling step rate, you can change to state by pressing the function key in the band select menu for a longer time.    You can set up to 10 frequency bands in uBITX Manager to suit your country or your preference.

These new features, a description of the features and details of how to upload firmware (both source code and compiled firmware) can be found here:

Details on how to upload firmware and access firmware versions up to version 0.27 can be found here:

Ian has indicated that future versions of his software are likely to require hardware modifications.