Gordon W2TTT asked on the BITX20 Group list, “Does anyone have some links to the display/ Raduino extension cable parts? I want to remote the display from the main board.”
If you want to separate your display from the main board, you should separate the display from the rest of the raduino and plug the “arduino nano” bit into the connector on the main board. The reason for this is that you don’t want long leads spraying RF around from the oscillator outputs from the si5351a. This is a sure recipe for birdies in your RX.
Use Dupont connectors (Male to Female) to do this. Most will find either 10cm or 20cm connectors are suitable.
Jack W8TEE comments “Jumper wires (aka Dupont wires) are great for breadboarding and experimenting, but my experience is that some of them don’t make a solid connection after recycling (connect/disconnect) a few times. We were getting a lot of noise on a TFT display line and finally tracked it to a faulty Dupont. The Chinese imports seem especially susceptible. If you experience noise or hashing on a display or in the audio, this would be one of the first places I’d look.”