Mitani Misaru JE4SMQ’s ubitx has been built in an ORIGAMI paper case (15 cm square) which cost just 100JPY(about US$1).
Mitani did not use an Encoder with a push switch but substituted a separate push switch for the encoder button switch.
Ver1.00R software has been installed and modified as follows:
1. The uBITx transmits on the Japanese Amateur bands only. If you tune out of the band the PTT/CW Break In simply doesn’t work. This is required to meet Japanese regulations.
2. The BAND Select mode follows the Japanese Band Plan.
3. In CW mode the Mic PTT is used for keying. This is always in straight key mode. If a Paddle is connected the keyer can be used by adjusting the menu menu setting.
where can I purchase 3 plug in (Spkr, Cw,etc) for the UBTX